For the average high school student, summer involves staying up late and sleeping in. However, for a small percentage of high school students, summer is a lot different.
This summer, the St. Thomas football team has gone to workouts from seven to nine in the morning every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Many other high school football teams have similar summer programs. What sets St. Thomas apart is a man named Pierre Jones.
Coach Jones is the running backs coach at St. Thomas. Every member of the coaching staff plays a role in our summer workouts. Some plan the lifting sessions. Others plan the conditioning portion. Coach Jones helps with the conditioning and he is very good at it.
Zach Zubel, class of 2015, said, “He pushes you past the point you want to go to and makes you better.” Players have taken to calling this portion of the workout "Pierre 90X" after the workout program, P-90X. His workouts are very intense and there is no down time. They are also a surprise. One day is a Crossfit workout and the next day is five 400 meter sprints. Coach Jones is very passionate and has an extreme love for the game.
During practice, Coach Pierre says, “You have to be willing to die for this. Go to the point where you’re going to die, then keep going.”
While at the same time dreading morning workouts, many players look forward to seeing what is in store for the day.