Private School Directory

Repeat victory

Angie Frederickson
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Bryant Hiskey, Matthew Hernaez and Thomas Cochran

Bryant Hiskey, Matthew Hernaez and Thomas Cochran

Grady Middle School students (pictured, from left) Bryant Hiskey, Matthew Hernaez and Thomas Cochran celebrate the Gators’ victory in the West Houston Spring Invitational baseball tournament. The Gators defeated Briarmeadow Charter, West Briar Middle School, Paul Revere Middle School and Mickey Leland College Preparatory Academy for Young Men to win the tournament for the second year in a row. Bryant, Matthew and Thomas also play baseball with Post Oak Little League. Led by coach Nicholas Safin and manager Kristin Railsback, the other championship Gators are Amir Al-rawshadi, Joon Lee, Marco Toscano, Trevor Castleman, Raymond Allen, Zachary Takagi, William Stone, Garrett Thorne and Angel Chase.

Editor’s note: Send your best high-resolution photos and behind-the-scenes stories about young local athletes, in both team and individual sports, to SportsBuzz, Jr. at [email protected]. Include all contact info, names, ages, grades and schools. Featured athletes must live in Buzz-circulation neighborhoods. Items will be published on a space-available basis.


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