Extra Focus on Extracurriculars: Bellaire High School Clubs

As a three-year member of Bellaire National Beta Club, Jerry Gao frequently challenged himself by participating in art competitions to hone his drawing skills and pursue his passions. (Photo: Jennifer Lee)
As an incoming freshman at Texas A&M University, Jerry Gao already knows what club he’ll be joining first: Red Cross. Not too long ago, Jerry Gao was an incoming freshman at Bellaire High School and eagerly joined Bellaire’s Red Cross Club. “I still want to be in Red Cross because it helps with my future career and medical pursuits,” Jerry Gao states.
Red Cross is just one of the several clubs Bellaire High School offers its students every year. While Bellaire has been known for its academic rigor, the school also has also actively encouraged students to become more involved in their communities through extracurricular activities, including school club involvement, volunteer work in local areas, and sports. Club Jamboree, for example, is held at Bellaire annually to introduce freshmen to school clubs and extracurricular opportunities.
“Extracurricular activities are important because not only are they helpful towards showing colleges what you enjoy, but you also get to meet and make new friends in the process,” answered soon-to-be junior Phillip Lu when asked about the importance of extracurricular activities. “They can integrate students into the school environment.” As highlighted by Phillip Lu, these activities allow students to form new bonds with acquaintances and friends and develop new passions and interests. Such passions are especially important to colleges, as the activities can offer a snapshot of a student’s personality and interests.
Senior Katherine Hsieh knows of the excitement and benefits of extracurricular involvement all too well. As a student of the Institute of Chinese Culture, a passionate violinist and an active member of multiple clubs, including the National and Spanish National Honor Society, Katherine has been very involved in both her school and community throughout her high school years.
“It’s great being aware of my cultural heritage, feeling like a part of society, and holding responsibilities,” Katherine said. “School clubs and my other volunteer work allow me to do just that.” While Katherine has been juggling multiple extracurricular activities, she has not forgotten the importance of her schoolwork and continues to challenge herself academically.
From my personal experience, extracurricular activities have always served as an outlet of expression. I always like to talk and write about issues I feel passionate about, so naturally, I take great interest in my high school’s debate team. Through debate, I have been able to learn much about the world’s problems and I have met many people who share similar passions.
At Bellaire, there’s always an extracurricular activity for every type of student. Those who enjoy volunteering and helping other citizens can do so through service clubs, such as the Habitat for Humanity Club, the National Beta Club and Team HBV. Bellaire’s orchestras, band, choir and clubs like Ukulele Live continue to entice music lovers. Those who seek academic challenges beyond the classroom can participate in the Academic Challenge Team or the Math Club. Those looking to be physically active can join the Badminton team or the Yoga Club. It is never too late for anyone to become involve in extracurricular activities, and with Bellaire’s multiple opportunities, the possibilities for involvement are seemingly endless.
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