Jackson Rozowski, a sixth grader at Lanier Middle School, loves to make others laugh.
Q: How are teachers and trains different?
A: Teachers say to spit out your gum while trains say, “Choo! Choo!”
One thing I enjoy is telling jokes and riddles. I like making others laugh. Whenever I think up jokes I put them in my “Jokepedia,” and then test them on my friends.
Every morning I read a riddle to wake up my brain. Jokes can be very useful. I sometimes use them to get out of being bullied and not get in trouble with the safety patrols.
Once, a really mean bully told me that he was going to give me a knuckle sandwich. I said, “Knuckle sandwich? I thought I ordered a ham sandwich!” He was too busy laughing to punch me.
Another time, a saftey patrol caught me running in the halls. He told me I wasn’t in a race, but I told him that I was in a race, the human race, and he didn’t write me up.
My English teacher at Condit Elementary, Ms. Melanie Mulhollan, always enjoyed my comic relief. Many times, I got in trouble with her and then cracked a joke to get out of it. Teachers do appreciate my humor. I hope it works in middle school too. I have learned that any tense situation can be remedied with a joke or clever wordplay.
I guess my love of comedy started with my dad. He is funny-ish. My mom usually laughs at my jokes too. I started telling jokes when I got a joke book for my sixth birthday. I’ve been stuck on jokes ever since and have a built-in audience with my two younger sisters.
I would like to be a “sit down” comedian when I grow up because standing makes me tired. If I make it to the big time, I won’t wear a watch. I will be doing what I love.
I recently heard a book talk by a very funny author – Chris Grabenstein. He made me realize I could also be a writer of funny stories and not just a teller of funny jokes. It is great to have choices.
Q: Why don’t sharks eat clowns?
A: Because they taste funny!
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