Private School Directory

Not all business

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Jen Roosth, Chanel Stark

Cousins Jen Roosth and Chanel Stark

Cousins Jen Roosth and Chanel Stark, along with Sharla Stark, Mariam Jacob, Remy Norman, Mathilde LearyThais Amaral Tellawi, Lindsey Wetterau and Ana Teresa Castellano were among the 130 women executives and young professionals gathered at Tootsies West Ave for a “back to the basics” runway show demonstrating how to create a professional capsule wardrobe for careers in corporate, business casual and creative environments in a fun and trendy way. The event featured Lidya Osadchey, CEO of Escape Family Services, who spoke about the fulfillment that accompanies a meaningful career. CEO Lucy Corona described what entrepreneurial life is like and her experience founding and growing the SlimRitas brand of margaritas.

Thais Amaral Tellawi, Lindsey Wetterau and Ana Teresa Castellano

Thais Amaral Tellawi, Lindsey Wetterau and Ana Teresa Castellano

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