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Pin Oak Chess team

Pin Oak Chess team

Pin Oak Middle School’s chess team went to the T.H. Rogers chess tournament and had an outstanding outcome. The chess tournament took the top five best players from the schools and calculated the points. Pin Oak won first place overall with 17.5 points. Over a dozen schools participated (grades ranging from K- 12) with a record attendance of 484 students this year. It was also Pin Oak’s first time in nearly 10 years to attend a chess competition. Some of the team members included (pictured, top row, from left) Arman Ebrahim-Zadeh, Joshua Gurvey, Hayden McLaughlin, Ricardo Caraballo, Sinan Makdisi, Jacob Roubein, (front row, from left) David Rosenfield, Monish Civunigunta and Pavan Marathi.

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