Private School Directory

A knight to remember

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Continuing the tradition of Mardi Gras court presentations all the way from 1871, the Knights of Momus, a Galveston Mardi Gras krewe, will present its royal court, King Frivolous CI and his queen at the Knights of Momus Coronation Ball and reception at The Grand 1894 Opera House in Galveston. D.J. and Jill Termini will serve as ball chairs. The 23 duchesses were selected by nominees to the board of Knights of Momus. They will be presented at the Coronation Ball at Paige and Tilman Fertitta’s annual San Luis Salute on Feb. 5. They will also ride in the Knights of Momus Grand Night Parade on Feb. 6. A few Buzz resident duchesses include Taylor Frazar-Green, daughter of Kathy Frazar and Thomas Hedge; Carson Miller, daughter of Cristin and Brad Miller; Marissa Smith, daughter of Tiffany and Michael Smith; Allison Stanley, daughter of Elizabeth and Robert Stanley; and Stephanie Tower, daughter of Fran and Bill Tower. Duchess Laura Mason is the daughter of Janie and Todd Mason of Houston. She is a junior at Southern Methodist University, where she is majoring in civil engineering. Another duchess, Alexandra Palmer, is the daughter of Kristin and Barry Palmer of Houston. She is a junior at The University of Texas at Austin, where she is majoring in finance with a focus on accounting. She is a member of the Kappa Delta sorority.

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  • Laura Mason

    Laura Mason

  • Taylor Frazar-Green

    Taylor Frazar-Green

  • Laura Mason
  • Taylor Frazar-Green

Laura Mason

Laura Mason

Taylor Frazar-Green

Taylor Frazar-Green

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