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Margaret Henrikson, Peggy Idstein, Andrea Sivells, Akashi Johnson, Maureen Trott, Mary Frances Fabrizio, Lori Hessel

Margaret Henrikson, Peggy Idstein, Andrea Sivells, Akashi Johnson, Maureen Trott, Mary Frances Fabrizio and Lori Hessel

The Charity Guild of Catholic Women held its annual grant ceremony at the Charity Guild Shop located at 1203 Lovett Blvd. The Charity Guild volunteers awarded $446,000 to 38 children’s charities in the Houston area. Over 500 women raised the funds by operating the consignment/donation resale shop. Grants were awarded to Catholic-school scholarships and programs, children’s enrichment and support services, medical services to underinsured children, charities for children in crisis due to illness, homelessness, addictions, neglect and abuse, and victims of human trafficking. Some volunteers in attendance were (pictured, from left) Margaret Henrikson, Peggy Idstein, Andrea Sivells and Akashi Johnson of Bo’s Place, Maureen Trott, president of Charity Guild, Mary Frances Fabrizio, and Lori Hessel.

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