Private School Directory

Groovy party

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Love, Peace & Rock and Roll was the theme for the Alley Theatre’s Join the Band Gala. The fest featured rock music that transported costumed guests to another era. Guitars graced the tables with the names of the table sponsor, and huge portraits of famed singers were hung on the walls of the Silver Street Studios event space. Band groupies included Oscar Brown and Sarah Morgan, Kevin Black and Tony Bradfield, Gracie and Bob Cavnar, Andrew Cordes and Brian Teichman, Janet Gurwitch and Ron Franklin, Molly and Ford Hubbard, Kathryn and Jim Ketelsen, Christopher Knapp, Carmen and Butch Mach, Soraya and Scott McClelland, Jerry and Melanie Martin, Dancie and Jim Ware, and Sheridan and John Eddie Williams.

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