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Moms rocked

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Beyonce concert

Memorial Drive Elementary moms Laura Whiteley, Shannon Hash, Amy Reeves, Heather Hughes, Nicole Mott, Mercedes Pilegge, Padget Hartung, Veronica Gompers, Marwah Fawcett, Melissa Moss, Toni Listengart and Veronica Edwards treated themselves to a night out at the Beyoncé concert for Mother’s Day weekend.

A group of Memorial Drive Elementary moms including (pictured, from left) Laura Whiteley, Shannon Hash, Amy Reeves, Heather Hughes, Nicole Mott, Mercedes Pilegge, Padget Hartung, Veronica Gompers, Marwah Fawcett, Melissa Moss, Toni Listengart and Veronica Edwards treated themselves to a night out for Mother’s Day weekend. They embarked on a ladies’ night, put together generously by Listengart. They met up at a Piney Point home prior to the highly anticipated Beyoncé concert for a little merriment before boarding on a party bus. The moms had a ball on the party bus and the fun continued at the concert, where they watched her show from a suite. 

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