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Bellaire Bike-Pool

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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These Pin Oak Middle School friends formed a "bike-pool" to bike to school safely together. Pictured (from left); Seventh grader Ahmad Johns, sixth grader Lexi Clark, sixth grader Devin Matthew, eighth grader Boomer Beasley, seventh grader Jake Beasley, sixth grader John Ferris, sixth grader Victoria Allen. 

Carpooling is an easy way for parents to trade off time taking kids to school. But these Bellaire families came up with a “bike-pool” in which their Pin Oak Middle School students travel in a pack and bike to school together.

Parents Mitch and Tassy Beasley and David and Lagenia Clark studied the safest route in advance. Typically, Jake and Boomer Beasley take the lead and caboose spots and Lexi Clark helps guide the group along too. The families appreciate that the “bike-pool” keeps extra cars off the road, gives the kids a sense of responsibility and is a great way to provide exercise too.


The “bike-pool” provides the kids with a sense of responsibility and is a good source of daily exercise. 

May is National Bike to Work Month and tomorrow, Fri., May 19, is National Bike to Work Day. Mayor Sylvester Turner is hosting a Celebratory Bike Ride in and around downtown. See more details here

Do you or your families bike to work or school? Comment below. 

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