Private School Directory

Boy Scout Troop 55 Helps after Harvey

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Troop 55 at NRG

Troop 55 volunteers at NRG with (pictured, center) Annise Parker, former Houston mayor and Sr. VP & Chief Strategy Officer of Baker Ripley, and Kelly & Mimi Williams, co-owners of Aztec. The troop went to help set up NRG with the Baker Ripley Team. Troop 55 was part of the initial group of volunteers that helped get the shelter at NRG up and running. 

Boy Scouts in Troop 55 at St. John the Divine – the country’s largest troop – immediately went into neighborhoods and volunteered with organizations to help post-Harvey. When St. John the Divine decided to serve as a donation collection point, Scouts worked to accept, sort and, later, distribute clothing and supplies to Harvey evacuees.

Tommy Lykos, Rafael Trevino, Sergio Garza, Alejandro Garza

Troop 55 Scouts helping at a home (pictured, from left) Tommy Lykos, Rafael Trevino, Sergio Garza and Alejandro Garza.

The Scouts helped the community in a wide variety of ways. They volunteered across town to help homeowners clean out their homes, demo, move furniture and more. Others helped with a book drive for Books Between Kids, sorting and boxing books to be delivered to kids in flooded areas in shelters – more than 3,000 books were collected in just 48 hours. Others collected and delivered car-loads of supplies to the Friends for Life shelter. Others assembled supplies for the Houston Area Women’s Shelter.

Will Perdue, Dan Parsley, John Perdue, Douglas Parsley

Volunteering in a kitchen after Harvey: (pictured, from left) Will Perdue, Assistant Scoutmaster Dan Parsley, John Perdue and Douglas Parsley.

Scouts of all ages within the troop pitched in to help, including family members and older Eagle Scouts. Scoutmaster Bob Casey said, “The pack and the troop came together to partner with the church and disaster relief organizations we know as a group, pooling resources as we triaged this disaster.”  

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