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Emery seniors David Rothenberg and Nicki Miller taking a rest after packaging and sorting food at the Houston Food Bank. (Photo: Katerina Mangini)
The Emery/Weiner School’s National Honor Society and Community Service Club recently hosted their annual Thanksgiving Project at the Houston Food Bank. During Thanksgiving break, students, families, faculty and staff volunteered as a team. They sorted and packed donations for the Houston Food Bank, which is the largest food aid distributor in the United States.
This year, more than 40 Emery individuals participated in the four-hour project. As a result, Emery organized 15,733 meals to those in need. The food was donated to the hungry, so they could enjoy a filling Thanksgiving meal or just a nourishing meal in general.
November is an essential season for the Houston Food Bank since many people are in need of nutritious Thanksgiving meals. Nicki Miller, president of the community service club, said, “One of Emery’s core values is Community Service. It was incredible to see so many students come together to volunteer.”
Overall, this year’s event was extremely successful. Both the community service club and National Honor Society encouraged all members in and out of their club to participate in the event. The community looks forward to carrying on this tradition in years to come.