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The River Oaks Women's Breakfast Club

The River Oaks Women's Breakfast Club celebrates 40 years. (From left) Michaeline Yanascavage, Rita Singh, Trish King, Misti Pace-Krahl, Jane Seger, Laura Vinas Jahn, Chandra Kill and Ashley Simpson.

Due to Hurricane Harvey, the River Oaks Women’s Breakfast Club merged their holiday party with their 40th anniversary celebration. The club started by Sudy Zane, Diane Cox, Eunice Meyer, Paulette Wolf Levine and Mitsi Nishimura in 1977 has 50-plus members who meet weekly, led by president Laura Jahn. The trip down memory lane started with a video before Paulette and Diane were introduced. The first photo album was at a party with a mannequin’s skirt that featured captured digital photos. Partiers Rita Singh, Sandra Burnett-Walls, Chris Noble, Omana and Sam Abraham, Susan and Ed Osterberg and Mel Levine wondered what kind of photos there would be in the next 40 years.

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