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Fashion always in style

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The Houston Junior League fashion show

The Houston Junior League fashion show, Haute Fashion, Cool Couture, featured Elizabeth Anthony flounce, feathers and ruffled fashions. (Photo: Nikky LaWell Photography) 

The Houston Junior League fashion show, Haute Fashion, Cool Couture, featured Elizabeth Anthony flounce, feathers and ruffled fashions after the Tea Room events chair Linda Knapp welcomed the sold-out crowd. President Stephanie Magers and tea room director Semmes Etheridge Burns applauded the member models Trenette Allen, Morgan Bellows, Laura Bonck, Caroline Cavanaugh, Margaret Clare, Kay Edwards, Libby John, Lisa Meeks, Kimberly Rawson, Sara Rogers, Audrey Skelton, Kristin Turnak, Sally Ann Varner and Alicia Whitley – and Julie Roberts, fashionable store owner.

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