Private School Directory

High school sweethearts

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Charlie Dreyfus, Danielle SivanDanielle Levy

Charlie Dreyfus and Danielle Levy

Charlie Dreyfus and Danielle Levy met in high school at the Emery/Weiner School. Their close friendship turned into a relationship at the end of their senior year around graduation in May 2010, and they’ve been together ever since. They both graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2014 and moved back to Houston. This September, Charlie proposed at Danielle’s favorite place in Houston – the Cy Twombly Gallery at The Menil Collection. After she said yes, he surprised her with an intimate dinner with parents Nancy and Yem Levy and Debby and John Dreyfus, along with their siblings, at Dolce Vita, one of the couple’s favorite spots. Then they celebrated their engagement in Telluride, Colo., their favorite place. Their next big move: London. Charlie’s real estate investment job is relocating the couple there, and they’re excited for their new adventure.

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