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Oliva and Ella Ovenden, Paige Anthony and Lillie Tobin

This lemonade stand sales team learned the value of many quarters. Pictured are (from left) Oliva and Ella Ovenden, Paige Anthony and Lillie Tobin.

Gal pals Ella Ovenden, Paige Anthony and Lillie Tobin, sixth graders at Spring Forest Middle School, wanted a lemonade stand, so Paige designed one, and her dad (Chip Anthony) built the wood structure. Paige painted the sign, and her friends were the sales team, with backup help from Olivia Ovenden. Traffic from their neighbors and a nearby open house came, but they also got some rain. Nonetheless, they stuck it out from 1 to 4:30 p.m. They grossed $33 but had to pay back their “investors” for the supplies. They might plan a hot chocolate version. Stay tuned. 

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