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Judy Perkins, Judithe Little, Gena Rebman, Jan Arrington

HAPPY HOUR BOOK-CLUB Local author Judithe Little, who wrote Wickwythe Hall, led a lively discussion. Pictured are (from left) Judy Perkins, author Judithe Little, Gena Rebman and Jan Arrington.

A very special book club that includes partners only in January was hosted by Judy and Dick Perkins. The Houston Junior Forum Book Club generally meets monthly for members only, except for this particular happy hour where Dick was a novel bartender. Wickwythe Hall, the historical fiction book about three people whose lives intersect in France during Hitler’s invasion in World War II, was written by Houston author Judithe Little. She drove all the way from West University to Hunters Creek to lead the book review. Jan Arrington introduced her and moderated the lively questions afterward asked by Kay Newman, Betty Gosee, Janet and Conley Jurban, and Gina and John Rebman.

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