Jaylenn Holmes Runs for Kinder HSPVA Student Council President

Voting for Kinder HSPVA's Student Council President takes place soon. Here, School Buzz correspondent Jaylenn Holmes addresses her peers:
Hey, all you cool cats and kittens; thanks to quarantine, Netflix has left me with some compelling selection of shows. But with all seriousness, hello. This School Buzz reporter is running for President of Student Council (STUCO). It took a long time for me to get here, aka three years.
Let's just get some facts out for those of you who did not know these interesting facts. When I started high school, I was young and socially awkward. I was supposed to be entering eighth grade in my freshman year. Now I know some folks began high school at thirteen like me. I am encouraged to see that I am not alone. I joined STUCO because I wanted to meet people outside my art area. I wanted to be involved in school decisions and took a leap of faith when I filled out the application to be a member. I am so happy I did, I feel like I am a different person thanks to STUCO, I grew into myself, faced challenges, and grown from my hardships. I have served in two officer positions for this club, Service Director Sophomore year and currently Treasurer.
As president, I would work to make this student body an accurate representation of our school. Some art areas need more of a voice, and I intend to make that happen. I do not believe that one art area is more important than the other and wants to make Student Council a refection of every magnet area's voice. I never like cliques and detest any form of bullying. I would heavily recruit quality members to reflect an accurate representation of everyone.
I am not here to micro-manage anyone. I believe that type of behavior treats others as subordinates and does not reflect kindly towards having people skills. Everyone who has been elected in their respected position is capable of running that position. I am here as a reference point to bounce ideas off. I am here to help you and will respect everyone's decisions on how they best want to go about their individual projects.
PVA is a remarkable school, I am sure you know that since we chose to audition to be here. Just like you decided to fill out the application for STUCO, it shows me that you are here to be future leaders. So that is what you will do, you will lead. Your voice is powerful! I will be a relatable president and will be a source of information for anyone that needs help. I am kind, respectful, and punctual. I keep my word and will carry out what I say.
I hope I earn your vote and will be honored to lead you for the next Student Council President for the 2020-2021 school year.
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