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How to Help Those Impacted by Hurricane Laura

Friday, August 28, 3:38 pm
Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Help after hurricane

Our hearts go out to all those impacted by Hurricane Laura. 

Our hearts go out to all impacted by Hurricane Laura, particularly as we remember Hurricane Harvey, three years later. Houston was fortunately spared by Hurricane Laura. Here’s a list of some ways we can help our neighbors in Louisiana and East Texas: 

American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is mobilizing to help those on the Gulf Coast impacted by Laura. If you’d like to donate to help provide resources, donate here, call 800-RED-CROSS or text the word LAURA to 90999 to make a $10 donation. 

CajunNavy volunteers are heading to provide help. If you’d like to help, fill out this volunteer form. To donate supplies, fill out this form.To donate funds, go to the CajunNavy’s PayPal here.  

CrowdSource Rescue
Texas disaster response nonprofit CrowdSource Rescue is activating to help those in need and are accepting requests for assistance and volunteers who can help. If you’re able to help, click here and choose I Can Help. If you’d like to donate, click here.  

Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
Donate blood if you can do so safely. Find details and nearby locations here. In addition, the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of Houston is hosting a blood drive Aug. 30, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. See details and make an appointment here

Houston Food Bank
The Houston Bank has prepared food pallets and identified partners to serve as disaster sites to help those impacted by Laura. If you’d like to help, you can make a donation here, volunteer to help get supplies out by texting DisasterVol to 51555, or donate food directly. See details related to Laura here.

HTown Meals for Hurricane Laura Relief
Houston restaurants are collaborating to prepare meals for the victims in Louisiana impacted by Hurricane Laura. Every $5 donated will buy one meal prepared by Andes Cafe, BOH Pasta, Cherry Block, El Big Bad, Margeux Oyster Bar, or Rudyards. Their goal is to raise enough money to make 2,400 meals. Bravery Chef Hall is also accepting donations of any non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies or personal hygiene items through Sunday, Aug. 30. 

Lakewood Church
Lakewood Church is collecting supplies for those in need. According to this Facebook post, they are collecting: bottled water, baby wipes and formula, diapers. 

Salvation Army
Salvation Army is working to help provide relief. Donate here or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY. Find updates here.  

Supply Drive, Aug. 29-Sept. 2 
Southwest Houston United Response, Bethel’s Heavenly Hands, the Jewish Federation of Houston, Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center, and Texas Congregational Disaster Readiness are holding a supply drive for Southwest Louisiana. Drop off supplies at ERJCC (5601 S. Braeswood) on Sun., Aug. 30 or at Bethel’s Heavenly Hands (12660 Sandpiper Dr.), Sat., Aug. 29-Weds., Sept. 2, 1-4 p.m. each day. Supplies needed including tarping supplies such as roof tarps, lumber, nails; household supplies; non-perishable foods; water and more. Find more details here

Supply Drive, Aug. 30-Sept. 1
High school sophomores and past flood survivors Micah Weinstock, Alex Karni, Mickie May Levin and junior Ariel Karni will be collecting and organizing emergency supplies
at Evelyn’s Park, 4400 Bellaire Blvd., Friday, Aug. 28-Tues., Sept. 1 at noon. The donations will be delivered to Bethel’s Place – Empowerment Center, which will be dispatching 18-wheelers beginning on Sept. 1. Supplies needed now include: PPE; garbage bags; water; gloves; toiletries (new); paper towels, cleaning supplies; sheets; towels; bedding; diapers; baby formula; hand sanitizer; socks (new); underwear (new); plastic bins/tubs; non-perishable food. Questions? Email [email protected] or call 713-933-7846. 

Volunteer Houston
Local organizations are posting volunteer opportunities through Volunteer Houston in response to Hurricane Laura. See what's needed here

Help pets in need
Local shelters will need people to foster or adopt animals from facilities that may already be at capacity in order to make room for displaced pets that may need help. Check with local shelters to see how you can help. Houston PetSet is a local nonprofit that has been working to help save animals. See details and donate for emergency efforts here

Crisis response page on Facebook
This page was created in order for those in need of help to share what they need and for those to offer help. See updates here.

Know of other ways to help? Please comment below or email [email protected], as we will continue to update this list.

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