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Unleashed!: Buzz Canines Share Dog-Friendly Spots

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  • Chloe Dale

    Chloe Dale rests before a day out on the town with her human.

  • Dog Birthday

    Chloe Dale, Kirby Goodman, Leo Rosof celebrate Kirby's first birthday.

  • Sadie

    Sadie take a nap. Getting the scoop about dog-friendly spots in Houston is hard work!

  • Sadie Taten

    Everyone always has a ball when they are hanging out with Sadie Taten. It's probably a ball she wants you to throw for her, but still a ball!

  • Cooper Leonard

    Cooper Leonard loves hanging with her family and hopes to roadtrip to College Station soon to see her human sister! Gig 'em!

  • S'more Fuller

    S'more Fuller loves living life in the fast lane...especially if it's the drive-thru fast lane!

  • Chloe Dale
  • Dog Birthday
  • Sadie
  • Sadie Taten
  • Cooper Leonard
  • S'more Fuller

These special guests share their Best of Show Houston treats that will leave canines, and their humans, wagging their tails. Getting the scoop about dog-friendly spots in Houston is hard work, and these furry friends are up to the task.

Chloe Dale: Fur-bulous one-year-old Cavapoo Fashionista 

One perk of being small, cute and friendly is being allowed into stores. I love riding in the shopping carts and people watching.

My wardrobe changes from day-to-day because I have clothes for cold days, birthdays, holidays and even Mizzou game days (my human’s college)! My favorite accessory is a pink LED leash that lights up in the dark. Sassy and safe…my kind of fashion.

Pet-friendly sprees have included Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, Home Goods, Lowes, Michael’s, Saint Bernard, and pet stores. 

Cooper Leonard: Five-year-old poodle mix digging life as a four-legged family man 

Strolling around my neighborhood and sniffing friends is my go-to routine, but I recently ventured out to the Eastern Glades at Memorial Park. Even though it’s in the middle of Houston, it felt like I was walking in the woods by a big lake. The boardwalk section through the trees was shady and fun

My favorite part of the day is picking up our boy from River Oaks Baptist School. When my mom runs errands without me, it seems like she is gone for a year, but I always have fun hanging with Tucker, my cool cat sidekick.

Kirby Goodman

Kirby Goodman knows some of the best places to take a walk in Houston.

Kirby Goodman: Exotic blend of Shih Tzu, sheepdog, collie, terrier and dachshund 18-month-old Adventurer 

Last April, I was just three months old when I took my first walk out of the neighborhood. It was at Willow Waterhole. Now we go all the time to enjoy the nature. I can’t wait to see all the bluebonnets this spring. A unique location that allows leashed dog walking is Houston’s historical Glenwood Cemetery. Magnificent oak trees and beautiful views of downtown highlight reverent walks through this 150-year-old landmark.

A cool new place is MKT where dogs are welcome in all of the stores and restaurants. The architecture and vibe reminded me of LA.

Leo Rosof

Leo Rosof is one sharply dressed dog. He enjoys long walks in the park with his human.

Leo Rosof: 18-month-old good-to-the-bone Cavapoo party animal

Chloe and Kirby’s festive one-year-old birthday celebrations were more fun than having your belly rubbed. There were personalized bandanas, yummy dog treat-filled piñata, and peanut butter bone-shaped cakes. My humans wanted me to wear a bowtie because they love putting them on me, but I love chewing them off. Plus the attire was bark-iness casual.

My special walk of choice is the Houston Arboretum. This city dog thought the trail and all the new smells were pawesome. If you spot strange looking dogs with horns, it’s probably the Arboretum goats.

My short walk of choice is Starbucks. If I’m lucky, the barista gives me a delicious whipped cream Puppuccino. Sometimes I try to eat the cup too.  

Sadie Taten

Everyone always has a ball when they are hanging out with Sadie Taten. It's probably a ball she wants you to throw for her, but still a ball!

Sadie Taten: Spunky six-month-old English springer spaniel fetch phenom

I love playing ball in the house, in the yard and especially in dog parks where I can run really far! 

One of my favorites is Officer Lucy Dog Park in Bellaire that has agility obstacles and lots of space. It’s fun to hang with my neighborhood buddies whose humans are usually well trained and well behaved. I liked the pond when we visited Danny Jackson Bark Park. I wanted to jump in, but my human said I already get dirty enough without adding water to the mix!  

I’ve heard lots of praise about Levy Dog Park, TC Jester Dog Park, and Tanglewood Dog Park. I am excited to visit them when I’m a little bigger. 

S’more Fuller: Eleven-year-young MUTT (Master-loving, User-friendly, Treat-worthy, Tail-wagger) Fast Foodie

My dream day is going for a ride, all the windows down, ears flapping in the wind, and pulling into a glorious drive thru. On a mission to charm the order taker, I smile my biggest (teeth and all) smile. 

Dog delicacies I’ve sampled (for free) include a snowball Pup Cup (Bahama Buck’s), a dog treat (Chick-fil-A), a Munchkin donut hole (Dunkin’ Donuts) and a drool-worthy piece of bacon (Tapester's Grill).

Pooch Ponderings

Dogs bark at animals on TV so they won’t jump out. It’s worked so far. - Chloe

Dogs like when you take naps.  It’s more fun snoozing with a nap buddy.  – Kirby

Bark more, Whine less. Chicken and Cheese are life! – Leo

Why do humans break treats in half? Please just give us the whole thing!  - Cooper

Stop working so much and spend more time playing.  - Sadie

Be nice to others. Wag more, Bark less. – S’more

Special thanks to Woof-to-English translators Mary Lou Dale, Helen Goodman, Holly Rosof, Lucy Leonard, Graye Taten and Andrew Fuller.

Chloe Dale

Chloe Dale rests before a day out on the town with her human.

Dog Birthday

Chloe Dale, Kirby Goodman, Leo Rosof celebrate Kirby's first birthday.


Sadie take a nap. Getting the scoop about dog-friendly spots in Houston is hard work!

Sadie Taten

Everyone always has a ball when they are hanging out with Sadie Taten. It's probably a ball she wants you to throw for her, but still a ball!

Cooper Leonard

Cooper Leonard loves hanging with her family and hopes to roadtrip to College Station soon to see her human sister! Gig 'em!

S'more Fuller

S'more Fuller loves living life in the fast lane...especially if it's the drive-thru fast lane!

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