Private School Directory

We need PALS

Angie Frederickson
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  • Lori Martin, Elizabeth Billip Elder, Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, and Lindsey Thomas Klingensmith

    Lori Martin, Elizabeth Billip Elder, Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, and Lindsey Thomas Klingensmith (Photo: Sara Murphy)

  • Rosie Murphy, Peyton Jones

    Peyton Jones and Rosie Murphy (Photo: Sara Murphy)

  • Lori Martin, Elizabeth Billip Elder, Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, and Lindsey Thomas Klingensmith
  • Rosie Murphy, Peyton Jones

People Against Leigh Syndrome (PALS) volunteers, including president Lori Martin, Elizabeth Billip Elder, Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, and Lindsey Thomas Klingensmith, kicked off the annual fundraiser at the home of Valorie Waggoner. Leigh Syndrome is a pediatric-onset progressive and fatal neurological disease that is closely linked to Parkinson’s Disease. The 2021 fundraiser will take place May 20 at Goode Company Armadillo Palace, will be co-chaired by Rosie Murphy and Peyton Jones, and proceeds will fund research and clinical care for patients with Leigh Syndrome, like Asher Times, whose parents will speak at the event. Serving on the host committee are Adonia and Kevin Cokinos, Joelle and Mitch Derrick, Elizabeth and James Elder, Lisa Falco, Andre Granello, Adam Greer, Jennifer and Justin Hall, Catherine Hardy, Sara Jackson, Elizabeth and Cullen Kappler, Jessica and Michael Keegan, Missy and Ben Knight, Bethany and Kelly Layne, Abby Lestin, Sara and Dan Lindsay, Katherine and Daniel Ludwig, Mike Mahlstedt, Lori and Neil Martin, Annie McQueen, Robert Noack, Andrew Pappas, Lizzy and Carter Perrin, Nick Peterson, Tahra and Craig Peterson, Meg and Philip Rife, Caroline Schlemmer and Jason Homrighaus, Leslie Shick, Emily and Michael Sperandio, Nikki and Brian Thomason, Janae and Ken Tsai, Tyrell and Michael Venditti, Valorie Waggoner, and Lindsay Yates. Tickets are $60 at

Editor’s note: The Buzz congratulates associate editor Jordan Steinfeld and her husband Matthew on the recent arrival of baby Sloane. Jordan is taking a short break to spend time with Sloane. In the meantime, Buzz writer Angie Frederickson is handling this column. As usual, please send your high-res photos and community news to [email protected]. Items are published on a space-available basis. 

Lori Martin, Elizabeth Billip Elder, Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, and Lindsey Thomas Klingensmith

Lori Martin, Elizabeth Billip Elder, Dr. Mary Kay Koenig, and Lindsey Thomas Klingensmith (Photo: Sara Murphy)

Rosie Murphy, Peyton Jones

Peyton Jones and Rosie Murphy (Photo: Sara Murphy)

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