A Day In The Life of a STH Band Girl

When I decided to go to an all girls high school, one of the things I was most worried about was having a normal high school experience. However, because of the partnership between Incarnate Word Academy and St. Thomas High School, both schools are able to intermingle and create opporunities you'd find at a co-ed school.
One of the things that makes my high school experience unique is the St. Thomas band. It is a crazy day every day being a STH band girl, and I thought others might want an idea of what that’s like.
5:45 a.m.
It doesn’t matter how late you were up cramming or binging “Gilmore Girls”, you have to be up at 5:45 a.m. if you have any hope of getting to band on time. I take a fast shower, quickly get dressed, and pray I won't be late.
6:30 a.m.
It’s time to leave. No matter how early I get up, my sister will never be ready on time. It’s always at least five minutes of screaming, bribing, and pushing her out the door so she can go back to sleep in the car and grumble about how it’s too early.
6:50 a.m.
It’s band time. Even though they tell us we have to be there by 6:50 a.m., we always start closer to 7 a.m. (Ok 7:05 a.m., but we’re working on it.) These 10 minutes are used to wake each other up, help cram for tests, frantically do homework, or come up with weird band jokes. You never know what you’re gonna find in the band room this early in the morning.
7:05 a.m.
We start playing. Everything sounds amazing even though it’s early morning. There’s something magical about music in the mornings. Honestly, I think it's the best way to start the day. (Ok, band is not as relaxing as it may seem.) It’s filled with squeaks, broken instruments, and lots and lots of corny jokes, but it still makes every morning special.
7:30 a.m.
That’s a wrap on practice. It takes more than an hour to get there and be ready, but the actual practice only takes about 30 minutes. After this, the girls frantically leap out of their seats the minute the second hand hits 30. We grab a donut, one of the best rewards for a band kid, and run out the door to the waiting car and drive to IWA.
7:45 a.m.
It's time for school. Throughout the day, I engage with my teachers and socialize with my friends while trying to maintain my GPA. I also fulfill my duties as a Woman of the Word by taking challenging classes and trying to grow myself through the pillars of academics, values, and spirituality. School days are hard, but rewarding.
2:45 p.m.
The bell rings and it’s a mad dash down the four flights of stairs. Hugs, good-byes, and see you next week’s are exchanged as everyone tries not to fall down the never-ending steps. The band girls congregate in the cafeteria before heading out. We ride to Starbucks to fill up on the necessary caffeine before heading to the game. Our days are discussed, jokes exchanged, and bonds created that will last us a lifetime.
4:15 p.m.
It’s time to get ready for the game. Upon our safe arrival to St. Thomas, band costumes are passed around. Whether in Hawaiian shirts with leis and grass skirts, cowboy hats with flannel and blue jeans, or full military uniforms, the band is always dressed in style. Band girls congregate in the bathroom as we put on costumes, do our makeup, and braid each other’s hair.
4:30 p.m.
Dinner is passed out as the boys chase each other around the auditorium. We stuff our faces, chug our water, and head back to the band hall for a 10 minute practice, before we board the bus.
5:30 p.m.
The bus is boarded, seniors first and freshmen up front. More silly band jokes are exchanged, and there is no avoiding the laughter that always follows. Once we reach the destination everyone jumps off the bus, grabs their instruments, and wait for the drummers to unload their stuff.
6:15 p.m.
It’s game day, baby! As percussion sets up, we arrange ourselves into a proper formation and begin playing the typical game songs.
8:30 p.m.
It’s half time and the band moves to the sidelines in preparation for marching onto the field. We play three songs that our fabulous band director introduces from the top of the bleachers. Once we’re done we scatter off the field mob style. Back at our seats, we scream “Band always wins!” and leave to enjoy our third quarter off.
10:00 p.m.
We play the 4th quarter and then reboard the bus and head back home screaming the celebratory band cheer. Once the instruments are put safely away in the band hall, we are finally able to go home. Sometimes it’s 10:30 p.m. But sometimes it’s nearly 1 a.m. in the morning. Either way, I’m always excited to get in my car and finally get back to the bed I left at 5:45 a.m. in the morning.
And that’s the day in the life of a band girl is long and hard. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, because band is fun. There’s more to life than just stress and grades; there’s a whole life out there that I’m ready to explore and by being in the band I feel like I’m going to accomplish this.
Like Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, then you could miss it.” So dear reader, I encourage you to go out and try something new and take this time to enjoy life. Because trust me, you won’t regret it.
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