Difficulty choosing clubs? Bellaire has your back.

On Wednesday, September 13, Bellaire High School held its second Club Jamboree this year, which occurs around three times every year, usually before school starts at the Cardinal Camp, the start of the first semester, and around the start of the second semester. This year, the event was held on the courtyard during lunch, and students could walk around, grabbing snacks and looking at tables piled with club names, plans, and all sorts of other useful information.
Joining clubs is one of the best things about Bellaire High School. There’s such a vast variety of them, and they seem to be able to be about pretty much anything students find in common--from loving games in the Go Club, to a love for music in the K-pop club, to volunteering with the Red Cross Club, to literally hanging out to eat bread in the Bread Club. However, with over a hundred clubs in total, it can be very difficult to choose exactly which ones you want to join. That’s why Bellaire High School has its Club Jamboree, in which all the clubs can share their individual club purposes and goals for the year to try to gain new members for the following school year.
For example, the president of Bellaire’s Women in STEM club Smruthi Garlapati says, “The club’s goal of reducing gender gaps in the STEM fields stays the same,” and that they’re hoping to be able to partner with Rice University’s Women in STEM this year, and be able to receive guidance in college-related concerns or career advice.
eMotion Dance Company’s president Irene Zheng mentions that they will continue to hold their annual Fall Show, Community Concert, and Spring Show but will be competing in more competitions and are planning a trip, which hasn’t been done in previous years.
This kind of information along with whatever questions you may have about a club can be found at the Jamboree, allowing students to get answers and know exactly what kind of clubs they want to be in before they join. And these are just two of the many, many clubs of the school. If you’re a student at or looking to go to Bellaire, the 2021-22 catalog of clubs can be found here, but going to the next Club Jamboree, which will be at the beginning of the spring semester, will definitely bring a better experience to fully understand the clubs and find what clubs are currently around, getting more up-to-date information.
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