Private School Directory

A family of Eagle Scouts

Angie Frederickson
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Fulton Davenport, Alden Davenport, Emmett Davenport, Carlton Davenport, Mary Helen Davenport, and Jimmy Davenport

Fulton Davenport, Alden Davenport, Emmett Davenport, Carlton Davenport, Mary Helen Davenport, and Jimmy Davenport

Alden Davenport (pictured, second from left), a student at St. John’s School, earned the rank of Eagle Scout, following in his family’s tradition. During a ceremony at First Presbyterian Church, Alden received the honor and was pinned with the same Eagle Award pin that was earned by his great-grandfather, Claude James Davenport, Jr. The same pin was also given to Alden’s father Fulton Davenport in 1983 and uncle Carlton Davenport in 1986. Alden began scouting with Cub Scout Pack 55 at St. John the Divine Church in 2012, and he earned the Arrow of Light in 2016. In 2017, he transitioned to Boy Scouts and joined Troop 11 at First Presbyterian Church where he earned 38 merit badges. For his Eagle Scout project, Alden created a desk system at The Guild Shop to enhance the organization’s efficiency. During his scouting tenure, Alden has completed more than 101 nights of camping, 39 miles of hiking, and 70 service hours in the community. Pictured are (from left) Fulton Davenport, Alden Davenport, Emmett Davenport, Carlton Davenport, Mary Helen Davenport, and Jimmy Davenport

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