Private School Directory

Independence Day Bike Parade

Independence Day Bike Parade

Robby Ehlers riding his bike down Academy St. during a past parade. (Photo: Prithvi Krishnarao) 

The City of West University Place Parks and Recreation Department will host its annual Independence Day Bike Parade and Pool Party on Thursday, July 4. Line up in front of City Hall (3800 University), at 8:45 a.m. to participate in the parade. Participants are encouraged to decorate their bicycles, tricycles, wagons and strollers.The Bike Parade begins at 9 a.m. The parade route will begin on University, turn south on Academy, and then proceed west on Byron to Colonial Park Pool.

After the parade, the festivities will continue from 9:15 a.m.-12 p.m. with complimentary admission to the pool. Be sure to take part in the excitement and visit with the caricature artists, face painters, balloon artists, and more. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to earn some extra cash during the popular money dive, and be sure to have your camera ready during the annual “Dad’s Belly Flop” contest. The events wrap up around 12 p.m., but the pool remains open until 6 p.m.

For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (713) 662-7420.

Event type: 
Thursday, July 4, 2019, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Colonial Park
4130 Byron
West University Place, TX 7705

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