Randalls/Target Hunger Will Walk 4 Food
To raise awareness for Hunger Action Month, The Randall's/Target Hunger Inaugural WW4F 5k Awareness Walk takes place on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 at the Denver Harbor Multi-Service Center. Form a family or corporate walk team to fundraise and come out for a day of fun while walking for a great cause – hunger relief!
Awards will be given out to the top fundraisers! In conjunction to the walk, keep an eye out for 50 Awareness Carts placed around the Houston area. They are shopping carts decorated to raise awareness of hunger in the community. The registration for the Awareness Carts competition is open until Aug. 3. The carts will be showcased starting Aug.17, when online voting begins for the best cart, until Sept. 14. The carts will be moved and displayed at WW4F, and the top cart will be awarded $1,000!
To register for the competition or walk, visit our website.
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