The Riot Standup Comedy Show presents Dustin Nickerson and Zoltan Kaszas
The Riot Comedy Show welcomes touring comedians Dustin Nickerson and Zoltan Kaszas co-headlining in the legendary comedy room at Rudyards! Tasty food, full bar, and great room for standup comedy.
Dustin Nickerson can be seen on Comedy Central & Netflix with Kevin Hart, and hisd ebut comedy special Overwhelmed on Amazon. He has also been on Fox, PBS Comedy Hour, Hulu and more! Zoltan Kaszas's been seen on NBC, Dry Bar Comedy, Laughs On FOX, heard on SiriusXM, read about in The Atlantic and has won The Seattle International Comedy Competition.
The Riot is hosted by Houston comedians Brian Gendron & Drew Jordan. These shows will sell out get your tickets now!
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