Private School Directory

Tackle Hunger Banquet

Christine Huang, Jonathan Simmons, Sarah Kate Thomas 

​The Houston Souper Bowl of Caring Local Youth Team invites you to attend their first-ever Tackle Hunger Banquet. As Souper Bowl of Caring celebrates its 25th anniversary, help us wrap up the 2015 Houston campaign by making one last play in the fight against hunger.

Please bring at least two nonperishable food items or $5 for entry. Any additional donations are greatly appreciated. All donations benefit Houston's First Baptist Church Faith Center Food Pantry & Clothes Closet.

When guests arrive at our Tackle Hunger Banquet, they draw tickets at random that assign each to a high, middle or low income tier, which will determine the place they sit, the meal they eat and the service they receive. Just as in real life, some of us are born into prosperity and others into poverty. Join us as we host one last seasonal eye-opening event on the struggles that many of our neighbors face every day.

To reserve your seat, please RSVP here.

Event type: 
Saturday, February 7, 2015, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Please bring at least two nonperishable food items or $5 for entry.
First Baptist Faith Center
8009 Long Point Road
Houston, TX 77055

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