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Up in the air

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Mary Ann Cuellar, Caroline Dawson, Molly McMurtry, Anne-Marie Breedlove

Mary Ann Cuellar, Caroline Dawson, Molly McMurtry and Anne-Marie Breedlove (Photo: Dave Rossman)

Mary Ann Cuellar, Caroline Dawson, Molly McMurtry and Anne-Marie Breedlove (pictured, from left) kept their eyes on the sky at Ellington Airport at the Texas welcome of the Orbis International Flying Eye Hospital. The FEH is the world’s only accredited ophthalmic training hospital aboard a DC-10 aircraft, and it returned to Houston for the first time in 10 years. Orbis helps people in underprivileged areas by working to eliminate avoidable blindness and is staffed in large part by volunteers. The fully equipped mobile teaching hospital travels all over the world training eye-care professionals and performing sight-saving surgeries. Houston philanthropists have played a big role for Orbis. They include the late Eleanor McCollum and her husband, Leonard “Mc” McCollum, who was one of the founding members of the board of directors of Orbis. Leonard’s daughter, Olive McCollum Jenny, and his granddaughter, Melissa McCollum Moss, were in attendance. 

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