Surviving Finals Week

Finals week is definitely a bore for us all and is a pretty stressful time. From staying up until 2 a.m. to drinking 5 cups of coffee during the day, the week of (and before) finals can be extremely nerve-wracking and confusing for any student. However, following these tips, this period of the school year can be made into a calmer and more aware zone.
Drink Coffee. Seriously.
I know that we’re all told that caffeine is bad for teens, that it stunts your growth (which, by the way, is a myth), blah, blah, blah, but, in reality, living without caffeine during finals week is like living without water for the rest of your life: Impossible.
Whether you like to admit it or not, caffeine can actually be quite beneficial to you during this time of the year as it increases concentration, helps you focus and gives you that extra burst of energy (which you will definitely need). I suggest drinking about two cups a day, one during the morning and one when you get home from school to power through the studying of your next final.
Take Breaks, But Not So Many Breaks
Personally, I like to take breaks every two hours, although I know students who like to take breaks every 20 minutes. If that works for you, then that’s fine, but I would recommend taking less breaks in order to get in more information and have a better understanding of what you are reading. If breaks are continuously taken, then you begin to dwindle off of your subject matter and forget what it was that you just reviewed.
Review All Notes Taken During the School Year
Before you take your final, it is important that you review the notes that you took for that specific class. And by notes, I mean all of the notes that you took within the vicinity of the class. If you are not able to review all of your notes or do not have time for this, then I suggest you concentrate on the big topics which you reviewed during school. You never know what may be on the final, so study well.
Push Yourself
Last, but not least, try your best and push yourself to do better than you did before (midterms). Even if you got a 98 on your final last term, focus on getting a 100. And if you got a 100 then . . . focus on getting a 100 again.
Good luck!
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