Private School Directory

Play ball

Angie Frederickson
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Mark Tholany, Luke Magnus

Mark Tholany and Luke Magnus (Photo: Kimberly Buettgen)

West University Little League (WULL) players Mark Tholany and Luke Magnus (pictured, from left) are all smiles at the league’s Opening Ceremonies. The St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School kindergarteners are excited to play the 2017 spring season on the Varsity Vipers team, coached by Paul Equale. Both boys played on WULL teams last year and are ready to get back on the field. Luke participated in the flag raising to start off the ceremonies, followed by the national anthem sung by St. Vincent de Paul eighth grader Brooke Bickham, and an invocation from Greg Funderburk of South Main Baptist Church. Then, players, parents and volunteers all recited the Little League pledges, and The Woman’s Hospital of Texas CEO Ashley McClellan threw out the first pitch.

Editor’s note: Send your best high-resolution photos and behind-the-scenes stories about young local athletes, in both team and individual sports, to SportzBuzz, Jr. at Include all contact info, names, ages, grades and schools. Featured athletes must live in Buzz-circulation neighborhoods. Items will be published on a space-available basis.

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