Private School Directory

Solarize Houston for Houses of Worship (& Their Members)

Houston Renewable Energy Group


The Interfaith Environmental Network of Houston invites you to learn how you and/or your house of worship can go solar for less by leveraging the Solarize Houston program. Solarize Houston is a program of the Houston Renewable Energy Group, a local non-profit dedicated to promoting renewable energy solutions and businesses. Solarize Houston is a group purchasing program for rooftop solar, which achieved discounts of 20 percent on rooftop solar purchases for participants when it was held in 2016 & 2017.

As people of faith, one of our missions is to care for this amazing planet on which we co-exist. We have urged our houses of worship to conserve energy, to recycle, and to weatherize. We are ready and excited by the next step - bringing renewable energy into play to further reduce our carbon footprint. Learn how we collectively might bring solar to our many places of worship, as well as our members' homes and businesses. You may attend this event in person at Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church, 1900 Bering Dr., or online, via web meeting. The speaker, Dori Wolfe, is founder of two solar energy companies, and has worked to bring community solar projects to fruition since 2012. She will explain the details of rooftop solar power generation, how you/your house of worship may benefit, and how you/your house of worship can go solar thru the Solarize Houston program. PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) financing will also be covered, a very attractive financing option for houses of worship & other commercial properties. Please register for this event.

Event type: 
Sunday, April 8, 2018, 2:30 pm
Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
1900 Bering Dr
Houston, TX 77057

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