Photo Contest

Trivia time

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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More than 200 competed in “Are You Smarter Than a Breakthrough Student?” held at Saint Arnold Brewery. The new event benefitted the education non-profit Breakthrough Houston, raising $175,000. Teams of eight competed in trivia questions taken from Breakthrough Houston’s middle school curriculum. For example, who was the only woman to serve as first lady in two separate administrations? Only a few people knew the answer (Dolley Madison). David Gow and Carla Dawson, hosts of The Boss and the Gloss podcast, served as quizmasters, rallying the crowd and encouraging extra donations. The event was chaired by Anna and Brad Eastman, Emily and Joe Morrel, and Michele and Charles Still. The winning Brainy Broads are Leslie Sasser, Jennifer Nwogwugwu, Jennifer Laporte, Sebha Ali, Jennifer Ligums, Elizabeth Leykum and Ruthie Miller.

Be seen in Buzz About Town. Send your high-res photos and community news to [email protected]. Items are published on a space-available basis. Also share your upcoming-event listings here.

  • Leslie Sasser, Jennifer Nwogwugwu, Jennifer Laporte, Sebha Ali, (front row, from left) Jennifer Ligums, Elizabeth Leykum and Ruthie Miller

    Leslie Sasser, Jennifer Nwogwugwu, Jennifer Laporte, Sebha Ali, Jennifer Ligums, Elizabeth Leykum and Ruthie Miller (Photo: Hung L. Truong Photography)

  • Emily and Joe Morrel, Anna and Brad Eastman and Michele and Charles Still

    Emily and Joe Morrel, Anna and Brad Eastman and Michele and Charles Still (Photo: Hung L. Truong Photography)

  • Leslie Sasser, Jennifer Nwogwugwu, Jennifer Laporte, Sebha Ali, (front row, from left) Jennifer Ligums, Elizabeth Leykum and Ruthie Miller
  • Emily and Joe Morrel, Anna and Brad Eastman and Michele and Charles Still

Leslie Sasser, Jennifer Nwogwugwu, Jennifer Laporte, Sebha Ali, (front row, from left) Jennifer Ligums, Elizabeth Leykum and Ruthie Miller

Leslie Sasser, Jennifer Nwogwugwu, Jennifer Laporte, Sebha Ali, Jennifer Ligums, Elizabeth Leykum and Ruthie Miller (Photo: Hung L. Truong Photography)

Emily and Joe Morrel, Anna and Brad Eastman and Michele and Charles Still

Emily and Joe Morrel, Anna and Brad Eastman and Michele and Charles Still (Photo: Hung L. Truong Photography)

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