Private School Directory

Spread the love

Angie Frederickson
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Lauren Lee

Lauren Lee

Lauren Lee (pictured), a fourth grader at Condit Elementary, placed hearts made of yarn on the fence outside of her school. The idea is to remind everyone who passes by on South Rice that kindness and love are at the center of the Condit community. Lauren’s mother (and Condit PTO president), Jean Lee, found the idea online and decided to replicate it locally as a way to lift spirits during the pandemic. Brightly colored yarn hearts are popping up along the fence, and students and neighbors are encouraged to take photos and share on social media with #ConditSpreadsTheLove

Editor’s note: The Buzz congratulates our regular Buzz About Town writer, associate editor Jordan Steinfeld, and her husband Matthew on the recent arrival of baby Sloane. Jordan is taking a short break to spend time with Sloane. In the meantime, Buzz writer Angie Frederickson is handling this column. As usual, please send your high-res photos and community news to [email protected]. Items are published on a space-available basis.

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