Morning Buzz

Welcoming Maccabi athletes

Angie Frederickson
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2024 Maccabi

The Mizrahi family hosted a group of 13-year-old athletes from Dallas for the 2024 JCC Maccabi Games, an Olympic-style sports competition for Jewish teens, which took place in Houston this August. Pictured (from left) are Tori Zimmerman, Teryn Fitzgerald, Maya Zarfati, and Reut Mizrahi. 

The Mizrahi family hosted a group of 13-year-old athletes from Dallas for the 2024 JCC Maccabi Games, which took place in Houston this August. More than 1,000 teens from around the world gathered in Houston for the Maccabi Games, an Olympic-style sports competition for Jewish teens. Basketball player Tori Zimmerman, swimmer Teryn Fitzgerald, and basketball player Maya Zarfati (pictured, from left, with Reut Mizrahi, right) enjoyed Houston hospitality during their stay to participate in the annual sports competition. Reut and Guy Mizrahi welcomed the Dallas girls into their home where they all spent time together for a group dinner and outings around town to see the sights. The Mizrahis’ daughter, Shira (not pictured), competed on the dance team, and also joined in the fun with the Dallas guests. The 2024 Games marked the sixth time the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center of Houston has hosted, the most recent being in 2012. Several hundred families hosted teen athletes, and more than 500 volunteers helped throughout the week. 

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