Morning Buzz

Earthquakes vs. Explosions

Jacob Padden
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Abby DeGregori, Vivian Sullo

(Photo: Gayle DeGregori) 

The West University Softball Association’s spring season for girls ages 4-15 is underway. Abby DeGregori (at left), a first grader at West University Elementary, hit her first home run ever in a tough matchup between her own Earthquakes and the Explosion. Abby is playing softball for her second year in the Freshman division. Also pictured is Vivian Sullo, a first grader at Annunciation Orthodox School, who plays alongside her twin sister Julia on the Freshman Blizzard, which won five of its first six games this season. The first games of the WUSA regular season were played on Feb. 16 and will wrap up in late April.

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