Photo Contest

Carly Ostrin

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Photos appearing in

  • Fiona Duncan, Carly Ostrin, Carrie Ostrin, Evelyn Duncan

    Fiona Duncan, Carly Ostrin, Carrie Ostrin and Evelyn Duncan (pictured, from left) woke up bright and early in view the Today show in NYC. (Photo courtesy of Carrie Ostrin)

    From: Memorable Birthday Moment on NBC
  • Al Roker, Carly Ostrin, Fiona Duncan,

    Al Roker paused to take a photo with birthday-girl Carly Ostrin and Fiona Duncan. (Photo courtesy of Carrie Ostrin)

    From: Memorable Birthday Moment on NBC
  • Carly Ostrin, Fiona Duncan, Evelyn Duncan

    When the Today show started taping, the Ostrins and Duncans shouted out that it was Carly's 12th birthday and held up this colorful sign. Pictured are Carly, Fiona and Evelyn. (Photo courtesy of Carrie Ostrin)

    From: Memorable Birthday Moment on NBC