Private School Directory

Hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones

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The Memorial Villages Night Out hosted over 1,000 residents at the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church parking lot. Bunker Hill mayor Jay Williams and Texas Rep. Jim Murphy were busy greeting villagers, along with other mayors. Tia Schmidt and children Ethan and Madeline admired the police horses while Keyvane Yousefi and Shima Zare loved the fire truck. David and Erica Shaw, with William and Kate, and Ange Keck, with Tristan, Julian and Evan in tow, were impressed by the Memorial Hermann Lifeline helicopter and all the Trader Joe’s giveaways. Aimee Renaudin’s  daughter, Mimi Hall, got her face painted. The DARE program brought Peggy and Elizabeth England and Alla Vinter and son Grisha Semyon.

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