(From left) Derrick Cyprian, Mallory Davis, and Kelsey Wallace preparing for midterms.
Midterms are stressful and extensive. They take a lot of energy and time, and everyone has different ways of studying that works well for them. To find out what teachers feel are the best techniques and ways to study for midterms, I asked a few teachers the following question: what advice would you give to students when studying for midterms?
Mr. Mark Krimm, AP Psychology: “Use flash cards and concept cards. There’s a concept for famous people that is called pyramid of people where you put the name and then words that describe him that I find really helps when memorizing.”
Mr. Jason Skinner, math: “My advice would be to outline each chapter. Figure out what it is that you know well, and then emphasize what you don’t know and focus on practicing it.”
Mr. Nathan Wagner, AP Language: “Students should make a plan for their studying by setting up a studying schedule. Start early; don’t wait to cram. Also, get a full night’s rest and eat breakfast in the morning. Group studying isn’t always beneficial.”
Mr. Wen Zhao, AP, pre AP Biology, anatomy: “I advise students to be more target oriented instead of going through the whole book. Think out a plan for studying before studying, and definitely get lots of sleep. Your brain can’t function without sleep.”
Mrs. Meg Elliott, AP world history, AP U.S. history: “Have a plan. Write it down, look at when your tests are, and plan out your day. Decide the weekend before and study the entire weekend for the test you have first. Physically write out your plan so you stay on track and check off things you’ve done on your schedule. Also, reduce your distractions around you.”
One thing for sure is that we’re all taking them—so remember to take deep breaths, periodic breaks, and try your best!