High School Retreat 2015

The Robert M. Beren Academy senior class. Top row, from left: Zevy Yanowitz, Avi Passy, Mecah Levy, Josh Pershel, Hersh Bootin, Roni Buchine, Ari Hoffman, Brett Kleiman, Salvador Bentolila; bottom row, from left: Bottom: Lilly Gelman, Anabella Berti, Melissa Stock, Raizy Adler, Lauren Mueller, Shirley Lipski, Ilana Lashak, Rebecca Stock, Elisheva Teigman, Amit Benhamo. (Photo: Elisheva Teigman)
Every year the Robert M. Beren Academy student council plans an amazing getaway weekend for the entire high school student body, which includes a weekend of fun competition in a color war and bonding through a beautiful Sabbath. Every year, the seniors run the retreat. They spearhead the color war, lead the Sabbath services, and speak about their high school experiences at the bonfire on Saturday night. This year I was able to experience this amazing weekend as a senior, and I can honestly say that it is a memory I will never forget.
The events were fun, of course, but what really made the retreat a success was the amount of time I was able to spend with my graduating class. In a school where a grade consists of 20 students, everyone is friends, so leaving at the end of senior year is that much harder. We spend almost every moment of our school lives together, and every one of those moments brings us closer together.
The retreat culminated in an all-nighter pulled by the seniors. We stayed awake talking, laughing, and reminiscing about all of the amazing experiences we have had together. Our 8th grade D.C trip, our senior Israel Trip, and so many more. We spoke about our future plans and where we wanted to go after high school. It is emotional to say the least, but it is worth it knowing that you are graduating with 20 best friends.
Alumni who have come to visit have always told me that my class would become my family. I never believed them. I had my few friends, but for the most part my grade was just a bunch of kids who happened to be the same age as me. Now, if I ever come back and give advice, it would be just that. Applying to college, and graduating from high school are very stressful and emotional times. I could not have wished for a better group of students to finish off this chapter of my life with. This post is for them. My friends. My family. Thank you for an amazing 12 years.
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