Private School Directory

Throwback Thursday: Mealtime Memories

Russell Weil
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Here, Russell Weil is pictured trying out a new tapas recipe.

Here, Russell Weil is pictured trying out a new tapas recipe.

As I mentioned in the January issue of The Buzz in my Mealtime Memories article, mealtimes at my house growing up were anything but gourmet. And why would they need to be creative, since meals could be made from a package or served on a convenient tin foil tray? We loved to tease my mom about her lack of cooking skills, and that continued for decades. The greatest joy I got from writing this story was the fun and humorous memories it brought back.

I guess because my mom did not make cooking a priority, I loved eating over at my friends’ houses. As we hung out during the afternoons after school, I’d smell the aromas coming from their kitchens, and hope that I’d be given an invitation to stay for dinner. Most times, I got my wish. I had one close friend, whose parents felt like my own. I’d let myself into their house every afternoon, without knocking, and I’d head to the freezer where there was often a special pie made just for me – an ice cream pie that was my favorite.
As I became an adult, I preferred to eat out over cooking my own meals. The cleanup process was just not something I embraced. But after marrying a gourmet cook, and seeing how the “other side” ate, I watched, learned, listened, and embraced the idea of cooking, especially after my divorce. And, I don’t mind saying that I’m actually a very good cook. While I didn’t learn these skills from my mom, at least I can admit that I gained a very valuable tool from my marriage. However, I’m still not a fan of cleaning up. 
Be sure to read the story on mealtime memories and share your own memories – past and present – in the comment section. 

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