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Susan Hoffman’s 60th Birthday Celebration: Toasting to Many More

Jordan Magaziner Steinfeld
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Tali Blumrosen, Jill Wasserstrom, Susan Hoffman, Catherine Chandler, Julia Giam

Hostesses (from left) Tali Blumrosen, Jill Wasserstrom, birthday-girl Susan Hoffman, Catherine Chandler and Julie Giam. 

Initially, Susan Hoffman’s birthday celebration was off to a stormy start – torrential summer rain, party décor arriving at the last minute, a fender bender – but the luncheon at Grappino di Nino with family and friends helped her ring in her 60th year in the sweetest way. The luncheon was given by fiancée Mark Skolkin and hostesses were Tali Blumrosen, Jill Wasserstrom, Catherine Chandler and Julie Giam.

Guests were greeted with sangria, wine and appetizers followed by a tasty Italian lunch. Highlights included toasts from Susan’s family and friends.

Mark gave a David Letterman-style Top 10 List of everything he loved about Susan. When Susan spoke, she said there are two pieces to being 60: gratitude for family and friends and excitement for the future. She mentioned her hero is her 94-year-old mother, Martha Jane Gardiner. 

The lunch ended with a colorful chocolate and red velvet cake made by Susan Ware with Lollydoozer’s. 

Guests celebrating included Sarah and David Hoffman, Emory Skolkin, Lynn Hoffman, Dana Lepow, Linda King, Laura Favaloro, Sandra Spencer, Kyttie Sanford, Tracy Everist, Carol Willis, Brenda Atkins, Varda Dror, Linda Toombs and Laurie Lee.

  • Dana Lepow, Susan Hoffman and Tali Blumrosen.

    (From left) Friends Dana Lepow, Susan Hoffman and Tali Blumrosen. Sons Garrett Lepow, David Hoffman and Will Blumrosen have all been best buds for many years and their moms remain close today. 

  • Susan Hoffman, David Hoffman, Sarah Hoffman

    Susan Hoffman with her kids David and Sarah. 

  • Cake from Lollydoozer's

    This creative cake was made by Susan Ware with Lollydoozer’s. 

Dana Lepow, Susan Hoffman and Tali Blumrosen.

(From left) Friends Dana Lepow, Susan Hoffman and Tali Blumrosen. Sons Garrett Lepow, David Hoffman and Will Blumrosen have all been best buds for many years and their moms remain close today. 

Susan Hoffman, David Hoffman, Sarah Hoffman

Susan Hoffman with her kids David and Sarah. 

Cake from Lollydoozer's

This creative cake was made by Susan Ware with Lollydoozer’s. 

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