Ilana Inselbuch, sophomore, working hard with a smile on her face.
On Saturday, Sept. 12, the Mighty Bellaire Cardinal Band held a car wash fundraiser to help them earn money for new instruments and supplies. The band raised $1200, which is all going to funding the group. The car washes were at two separate locations, each raising a ton of money and attention for the Bellaire Band.
“It was a great experience for the band,” said sophomore Geoff Zimmerman, “because we made a lot of money in a short amount of time and it got the word out about band.”
Overall, everyone loved the car wash. The band members did a great job and were very friendly. Some of the brass players serenaded the cars that came in by playing for them and everyone had a good time.
“The car wash was something that brought the band together and helped us bond more. Even though were washing cars for hours, we were having fun doing it,” sophomore Anna Pintchouk said, “It makes me happy that we decided to do something like that and I can’t wait to do more things in the future that won’t just benefit the band itself, but the people in it too.”
The car wash was a great fundraiser for the band, gained lots of attention and funds, allowed the band to bond, and everyone loved it!