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St. Agnes Academy's Ninth Grade Retreat

Natalie Farrell
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Megan Fisher, Maddie Farrell

Megan Fisher and Maddie Farrell are all smiles after the retreat. 

On Oct. 14 and 15, the St Agnes freshman class went on their annual retreat at Camp for All. I interviewed two 9th grade students to find out about their retreat experience.

Maddie Farrell:

Q: What was your service project?

A: Each group had a different thing but my group helped organized all the medical supplies at the camp. I am glad I got to help the camp out.

Q: What did you do during your free time?

A: During free time, three of my friends and I went on a nature walk and explored the camp. We saw tortoises and a llama. It is such a pretty camp.

Q: What was your favorite thing about the retreat?

A: What I liked most about the retreat was that I got to take a break from school to become closer to my classmates. It was really nice to take a break from the fast-moving pace of St. Agnes. I also liked not having my phone so I could enjoy the retreat activities.

Q: Do you feel more connected to your class after the retreat?

A: Yes, I met some new people and became a lot closer to everyone in my class.

The freshman retreat shirt.

The freshman retreat shirt.

Megan Fisher:

Q: How was the food at the retreat?

A: For the most part, the food was good. My favorite meal was lunch the last day; we had hot dogs and Frito pie. My favorite part of each meal were the desserts that came with it. 

Q: What did you do each day?

A: On the first day we did some ice breaker activities with our small groups and homeroom. After that we had prayer stations which helped bring us closer to God. To end the night we had mass which lasted about 45 minutes, then we went to bed. On the second day we each got assigned a job to do that improved the condition of the camp site we stayed at. I helped clean the dining hall and then washed golf carts. When we were all done with our service, we ate lunch and headed home. 

Q: What was your favorite activity?

A: My favorite activity was when we got together with our homeroom and dressed up a teacher according to the theme of the retreat, which was strength and dignity. We had a limited amount of supplies to make her costume out of, so we all had to agree on what to do. After we dressed her up, we competed against the other homerooms in a fashion show. 

Q: Overall, how was your retreat experience?

A: My retreat experience was great! I met so many new people, and grew closer to the friends I already had. I also got to help my community by doing service, which I really enjoyed. I can't wait to go on the retreat again next year!

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