Private School Directory

Editor's Note - September 2016

Joni Hoffman
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Joni Hoffman“Like sleep, water and exercise, reading is a form of self-care,” says Dr. Mollie Gordon, one of several Buzz-area book lovers featured in this month’s One for the Books, by Jennifer Oakley. Reading is healthy and provides a better understanding of the world and the people who live in it. We like to think that The Buzz contributes to our readers’ lives in the same way. Part of our mission is – like the best books – to share stories that wouldn't otherwise be told, in an over-the-backyard-fence kind of way, thanks to our talented writers. Additionally, I love the feeling of finding a great, can’t-put-it-down, stay-up-all-night-reading kind of book. Along those lines, I am proud to announce the launch of our online Book Buzz blog, in partnership with the Houston Public Library, the Harris County Public Library and the Bellaire Library. Starting this month, you’ll find reading recommendations for all ages and more from Buzz-area neighborhood librarians at Book Buzz. If you and your family love to read, be sure to check out Jennifer’s article in this issue and Book Buzz online.  [email protected]

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