Make A Scene - Dance at Episcopal

Episcopal bases its curriculum off of four pillars: academics, athletics, arts and religion. One of these pillars, arts, has many different types of classes that students can take based on their interests, a popular one being dance. This fall, Episcopal put on its first dance concert of the school year, called “Make a Scene – Dance” on Dec. 3 and 4 for the Episcopal community, family, and friends.
Episcopal has five levels of dance that students can participate in, starting with beginner all the way to impact. A junior at Episcopal, Blake Ogle, is in reparatory dance, which is the level right under impact, and she was in the dance concert this fall. Because Blake is in reparatory, she is required to participate in the dance concert, but she also loves being involved in the dance program.
There were nine dances in the dance concert, but because Blake also participates in cross-country, she could only be in one dance this fall. One of Blake’s dance teachers, Mr. Vega, choreographed Blake’s piece called “Friends”. Blake says, “I liked how smooth the piece felt, as it was almost relaxing to dance.”
Because of all the time and effort the dance concert takes, rehearsals can be stressful, but for Blake, “rehearsals are fun and it’s a great group of girls.” However, some girls were in more than one dance and they were “worried about remembering all their parts and quick changes.” Reparatory is a very competitive level of dance at Episcopal, and because Blake is in this level, she felt more prepared for the dance concert this year because “I’m more used to learning choreography than someone who has never danced before.”
This dance concert took place around a very chaotic time for students with finals and the closing of a semester, but Blake says that it was still “a great experience that I think anyone who is interested should go try out or see.” Not only is it fun to do something Blake loves, she has become closer with so many people through this and says, “everyone is so sweet and fun to work with.”
The only thing that scares Blake is performing, but saying to herself, “they will not notice if I do not do everything perfectly,” reassures her and gives her confidence. Blake started participating in the dance concerts her sophomore year at Episcopal High School and this spring she plans on participating in multiple dances.
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