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(From left) Jennifer Mathieu, Lauren Luce, Natalia Nassar, Paola Sagel, Mary Dade and Catherine Hunter.
The excitement in the air was palpable as 200 St. Agnes Academy juniors took their places in the sunny courtyard. The audience of parents and siblings in the auditorium fell silent as the future leaders of St. Agnes filed into place.
As a tradition that is most looked forward to amongst the student body, the Saint Agnes Junior Ring Ceremony honors the rising seniors with a class ring. Each student is called by name to walk across the stage as a junior, receive their ring, and exit the stage as a St. Agnes Academy senior.
This ring ceremony is an important tradition to St. Agnes as it transfers the responsibilities of a St. Agnes senior from the graduating class to the rising senior. A senior is to be responsible, thoughtful, independent, and is expected to set good example to the underclassmen.
The St. Agnes Junior Ring Ceremony is a time of celebration. The practice of stepping up and taking responsibility is ingrained in St. Agnes tradition and is seen throughout the St. Agnes alumni. What a great way to begin senior year.