Mailbag - September 2017

OH, RATS! Critters are ubiquitous in Houston. We just don't like to talk about it when they set up camp inside our homes. (Or ovens.) (Illustration:
Getting rid of uninvited pests
Regarding Back Porch, Airing our dirty laundry [by Andria Frankfort, August 2017], I had first heard about my new uninvited "pet" at a coffee I was having for a club I belong to. (We had an entirely newly remodeled home, which I was happy to share.) One of my friends remarked that I had all kinds of pets, dogs, cats, birds and also a hamster that must be loose, since she just saw something run from the pantry to go underneath my refrigerator! I freaked out, knowing I had NO hamster! Then I was in my pantry soon thereafter, and one of my pasta bags was moving, so I picked it up and EEEEEK, a rat jumped off the shelf onto my FOOT (!!!), then under the refrigerator! I had an exterminator come and put traps and poison in the attic and all that jazz. To no avail. I found out about a great gizmo from another friend, who secretly shared that she, too had had rats in the past. The Rat Zapper! I bought two. I had to encase my entire pantry in plastic containers, but now we are rat free. P.S.: I cannot believe I am putting my name on this article.
Pam Sengelmann
Editor’s note: In last month’s Back Porch, columnist Andria Frankfort shared her “unspeakable” experience of bed bugs as well as other Buzz residents’ horror stories of critters among us, prompting this response. Pam, you made us laugh, and, trust us, you are not alone.
From breakfast to model
This is so exciting! When you asked me to do this, I thought that I would just submit a recipe, but it has been so sweet to see the people that have texted and said that they are going to try the recipes. I know that I always need tons of help, so hopefully it will help someone else. You were so kind to think of me and the girls. They have had so much fun with the issues. Eleanor ran around the house saying, "I'm so cute! I'm so cute!"
Mary Rebecca Dick
Editor’s note: Thanks, Mary Rebecca, for sharing your recipes in Jennifer Oakley’s story [The Breakfast Club: Home cooks who rule in the morning, August 2017] – and for joining in Nikky LaWell’s photo shoot along with your girls, Eleanor and Catherine. And Eleanor is right.
Parenting essay nailed it
I just read your Buzz article [Letting Go: From Cheerios to college, by Andria Frankfort, August 2017], and it's amazing. I had tears, chills and smiles all at the same time. You captured the torture of hoping for your child's success while wishing they would continue to need you. Beautiful and heart-wrenching. Great job!
Molly Holub
Tourette’s column makes impact
Thank you so much! It [Buzz Kidz: What having Tourette’s is like, by Noa Strauss, August 2017] received incredible comments on my Facebook page when I shared it. I think I got almost 500 likes and 100 comments! She [Noa] is returning today from the Maccabi games in Birmingham, where she won a gold medal in girls basketball! It's been a fantastic summer for her.
Lisa Shapiro Strauss
Editor’s note: Lisa’s daughter Noa wrote about the realities of living with the neurological disorder Tourette Syndrome. While the print version of her story ran in The Bellaire Buzz, residents from other neighborhoods can find it here. And if you know a kid or teen who wants to write for us, send us an email at [email protected].
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