Funniest Phrases Heard in St. Agnes' Hallways

Bella Costantini, Olivia Rodriguez and Leah Zoba hang out after school, talking and laughing with each other.
Walking through the halls of any high school can be very entertaining, and St. Agnes is certainly no exception. Our sleep-deprived and caffeine-filled girls will say some pretty crazy, and funny, things. With this in mind, I decided to ask some students and teachers what the funniest thing they’ve ever heard is. Here are the results:
Katie Fitzgibbon says that one day she was walking down the hallway when she heard a girl say “Live, Laugh, Lettuce.” Katie found this so funny that she now says it all the time.
Kate Williford told me she can’t remember the funniest thing she’s ever heard, but she does remember the funniest thing she’s ever said. I think we can all relate to her when she said, “Someone called me dumb so I can eat whatever I want.” Oh, the life of an Academy Woman…
This next quote needs a little bit of explaining if you’re not familiar with the traditions of St. Agnes. Veritas Vacation Day, better known as VVD, is the one day of the year that every St. Agnes girl looks forward to. On this day, which always comes as a surprise, we get a day off from classes we were dreading, homework we probably didn’t do and tests we definitely didn’t study for.
Instead, our amazing administration organizes a day full of fun activities. They range from nap rooms to bouncy castles, and everything in between. Some student favorites include the face painting, petting zoo and, of course, the nachos we are always served for lunch. A memorable quote for Bridget Rasmussen includes this amazing day, and a girl who was totally sure it was VVD. Bridget says she heard the girl say, “I know for a fact it’s Veritas Vacation Day, so I didn’t study for either of my tests or do any homework last night.” Well, unfortunately it wasn’t VVD and the student had to go take her two tests.
My last quote comes from one of our history teachers, Mrs. Scofield. She told me that a student of hers once told her a joke that goes like this: “Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? I don’t know . . . why? Because they’re so good at it!”
Next time you’re walking through the hallway of your school, or simply just sitting in a classroom, I suggest opening your ears up. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up hearing the funniest thing you’ve ever heard at school.
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